13 Effective Ways to Market Your Small Business Online

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market-your-small-business imageBy Jonathan Long, Market Domination Media – November 4, 2017

You will have to spend money to make money. But that doesn’t mean you need a large budget to market your small business online.
When it comes to marketing your small business online, you need to be willing to spend money in order to make money. But that doesn’t mean you need to have a large budget before you can start to experience results that bring in sales and revenue.

A lot of small business owners are under the impression that there is very little they can do online with a limited budget, so I wanted to put together a list of several ways to market a small business online for as little as $500. It’s an amount that isn’t outrageous, and the 13 options below that I compiled with small business owners can help you gain traction and drive revenue, which you can use to explore additional online marketing channels.

1. Create a Downloadable Ebook or Case Study
Driving traffic to your website is only half the battle. You need to offer something of value if you want your website visitors to convert into prospects. Nobody is going to voluntarily submit their name and email address without receiving something in return.

A downloadable content asset, like an ebook or a case study, is a great bribe that will help you convert a high percentage of traffic. “It all comes down to creating something that is of interest to a large percentage of your target audience and also provides value,” explained Todd Spodek, founding partner of Spodek Law Group. “If you offer something that isn’t helpful, you might collect leads on the initial offer, but they will never turn into customers unless they feel like you provided them with something of value.”

This is something you can completely outsource, from the research to the design, for less than $500. There are several freelance marketplaces that you can source talent from. Make sure to ask for examples of previous work before hiring.

2. Start a YouTube Video Ad Campaign
Video content receives higher engagement rates that traditional written content simply because it’s much easier to consume. A clever video ad can really help you deliver your message in a way that is more effective than a static banner ad.

Christopher VanDeCar, CEO of Optimally Organic, believes video ads convert at a much higher rate. “YouTube is the second largest search engine, right behind Google, and its advertising options are extensive,” he said. “You can target people that subscribe to specific channels and you are only charged for views, which can deliver great results if you have an effective video and your targeting is on point.”

You don’t need to pay for high-quality video production when you are just starting out. I suggest having several different variations created, and then split-test them to find out what video ad pulls the highest conversion rate. Marketplaces like Fiverr offer several low-cost video production options.

3. Hire a Virtual Assistant to Manage Your Social Media
Social media can be very effective, but most small business owners don’t have the time to dedicate to being active on several platforms, and they don’t have the budget to hire a full-time social media manager. This is an ideal role to outsource, because you save a tremendous amount of money and you are able to have a very active social media presence.

“You can drive website traffic via social media around the clock, and if someone is clicking over to your website from social media it generally means they are highly interested in what you have to offer,” suggested Ryan Hulland, president of Netfloor USA. “You can hire a full-time virtual assistant to manage your social media for $500 a month or less.”

You have to be prepared to spend some time vetting candidates, as you will be inundated with applications if you post the job on one of the larger freelancer marketplaces. A lot of the applicants will not be qualified, so make sure to ask for examples of social media campaigns they have managed in the past and hire on a trial basis in the beginning to ensure you have the right person for the job.

4. Launch a Facebook Ads Campaign Targeting Local Customers
There isn’t a more effective option available than Facebook Ads. The majority of the population is active on Facebook and the platform offers the most extensive targeting options, allowing you to place offers directly in front of your target market.

“Any local business that isn’t running Facebook Ads to get people in the door is missing the boat,” said David Lye, founder of Photographers.com.au. “I suggest starting small to learn the ins and outs. You can spend as little as $5 a day to start, and scale from there as you learn what works well for your location and business.”

While highly effective, Facebook Ads can also be complicated and overwhelming. Many business owners will throw together a campaign and expect it to automatically produce results. It takes split-testing and a lot of trial and error. There are several free resources to help you learn available, including Facebook’s Blueprint course.

5. Hire Social Media Influencers to Advertise Your Business
I think influencer marketing is one of the most effective strategies, when done right. My agency was doing influencer marketing long before it was a buzzword, which led us to spin off a second agency that focuses 100% on influencer marketing. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it’s only going to become more popular.

The key is to identify influencers that are perfect for your business, without focusing on follower count. Jake Braun, co-founder of Kapok Marketing, suggests finding micro-influencers rather than big name celebrities. “A mega celebrity with millions of followers is going to have a much broader audience, where a local micro-influencer is going to have a laser targeted following, which can be more effective, even if it’s just 10,000 to 20,000 followers,” he said.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate when identifying smaller micro-influencers. You will find that many will heavily discount their rates, especially for multiple posts, and many will also entertain posts in exchange for free product or service.

6. Run Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Ads
When a consumer is looking for something, whether it’s a specific product or a local restaurant, where do they turn? The majority of times, they open Google and perform a search. Running a pay-per-click campaign on Google can help you drive instant website traffic, phone calls or physical location visits.

“Ads show up on top of the organic search results, putting your offer in the most valuable real estate,” suggested Keith Bridges, owner of Safford Trading Company. “The top is where the majority of the focus is, so well-crafted ad copy can really help you attract the attention of consumers that are actively looking for what you offer.”

To find success with Google AdWords, you need to create very targeted ad groups, focusing on a single keyword. When your keyword, ad copy and destination landing page are all perfectly optimized, it helps you achieve a high-quality score, which results in more exposure and a lower cost-per-click (CPC).

7. Test the Advertising Waters on Reddit
When you think of advertising online many small business owners would never think of Reddit. It’s one of the lowest-cost traffic sources available, and there is a lot of traffic available from Reddit. I’ve personally seen campaigns deliver some extremely lucrative ROIs.

Reddit users are a very educated group, and as Matt Behnke, president of Orthotic Shop explains, they will call out ads they feel are deceptive in any way. “Any ads that feature questionable claims or ad copy will quickly go up in flames, as Reddit users will ban together and make it their mission to prove their point,” he said. “You can be clever while being transparent and fluff-free, which is the type of ad that performs well.”

The number of clicks and amount of traffic that you can drive from Reddit can be 10-times that of some other popular options. While not for every business and offer, it’s well worth testing, as the return can be unmatched provided you have an offer that fits that audience.

8. Launch an Affiliate Program for Your Business
What if you could build an army of promoters that will sell your products or services, and you only have to compensate them for sales they generate? Well, if you launch an affiliate program you can have sales coming in around the clock without deploying your own advertising dollars.

“There are several affiliate networks you can join that will place your offer in front of experienced internet marketers,” explained Dana Vandecar, CEO of Traditionally Extracted Herbs. “There are two keys to a successful affiliate offer. First, you need a product or service that is in high demand across a very wide demographic. Second, your payout needs to be financially attractive. Remember, affiliates are spending their own money to push the offer, so they need to feel confident it’s going to convert.”

All it takes is a few great affiliates, so take the time to source ones that have experience and a genuine interest in what you are selling. Online marketing forums, specialized Facebook groups, and established performance marketing networks are all great places to start looking for affiliates.

9. Mirror Your Google AdWords Campaigns on Yahoo and Bing
While Google is the largest search engine in terms of traffic, there is still traffic to be found on Yahoo and Bing. Many small business owners find that they are able to get much lower priced clicks and conversions on Yahoo and Bing when compared to their Google costs.

“If you are running a successful Google AdWords campaign, you should import the campaign into Yahoo and Bing. If the ads are converting high on Google, they should perform just as well, if not better, on Yahoo and Bing. It takes just seconds to import campaigns,” said John Stacy, CEO of Dallas Flooring Warehouse.

You will want to make sure to adjust your bids, as click costs are traditionally much lower on Yahoo and Bing. Testing the waters with mirrored campaigns and a small $500 budget can often result in discovering another profitable marketing channel. You can find instructions on how to import your AdWords campaigns into Bing here and Yahoo here.

10. Promote Your Blog Content Via Distribution Outlets
A lot of small business owners will spend money on content and then publish it to their blog and expect sales to come pouring in. The majority are left disappointed because nobody sees the content, which results in zero engagement. You need your content to be seen, and content distribution networks can help you attract blog readers that can then be converted into leads and sales.

“If you are spending time and money to publish great content, set aside some money to promote the content. Content distribution platforms like Taboola and Outbrain place your content alongside relevant topics on some of the largest websites in the world. If your heading and preview image are enticing, you can pull large traffic numbers,” explained Kris Lippi, broker and owner of Get LISTED Realty.

These networks charge per click, so you are only paying for traffic. It’s important that you have a strong call-to-action worked into the content you are promoting. You want the reader to sign up for your email list or click-over to an offer and make a purchase. If you are just pushing traffic to a piece of content without a call-to-action built in you are essentially throwing your marketing budget out the window.

11. Create an Animated Promotional Video
If you sell a product or service that requires a detailed explanation, consider creating an animated video. Not only does this allow you to capture the attention of your audience and sell them in a more engaging way, but it also gives you a piece of video content that you can use on social media and across paid advertising platforms like YouTube and Facebook.

A big fan of animated explainer videos, Eduardo Perez, founder of Easy Ukulele Songs, explains the importance of creating a fun script. “The last thing you want to do is create an animated video that is dry and feels like a standard commercial,” he said. “Get creative with your script and make it fun. This will increase the average time watched, and ultimately, the conversions you are able to capitalize on.”

Always ask for examples of previous work, as there is a very wide range in terms of quality when it comes to animated explainer videos. Look for a freelancer that creates videos that have a look and feel that matches your company.

12. Give Your Email Newsletter a Makeover with a Custom Template Design
Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. If you have a large email list that you send newsletters and special offers to, you can improve its effectiveness if you revamp your look with a custom email template.

“If you use an email service like Mailchimp, you can upload a custom template, giving your emails a more branded look and feel,” said Ricky Carruth, owner of Zero to Diamond, LLC. “Consumers receive emails around the clock, so you need to offer something special that triggers them to open yours, rather than deleting them. A well laid-out template that is easy on the eyes and responsive provides a user experience that is better than anything out of the box.”

There are several options available, but I have personally used this company for multiple newsletter template design and coding jobs. For $500 you can have several designed, to cover all of your newsletter and special offer needs.

13. Create a Retargeting Campaign to Convert Previous Website Visitors
If you are spending money to drive traffic to your website you need to consider a retargeting effort, since most people that visit your website will not complete a purchase during their first visit. Retargeting allows you to follow that person around the internet, placing highly targeted ads in front of them, with the goal of enticing them to return and complete their intended purchase.

“You can implement retargeting directly within your AdWords or Facebook ad account, or you can use a third-party service,” suggested Kevin Wendelburg, president of Relax on the Beach, Inc. “The trick is to use very targeted ads based on what the visitor did the last time they visited your website. If they left while browsing, you can hit them with a broader ad, but if they abandoned the cart without making the purchase, your ad needs to be a bit more aggressive to get them to return.”

When you invest in retargeting, you are able to pull back a large percentage of customers that would have purchased elsewhere. Overall, it can reduce your overall acquisition cost across all of your advertising campaigns.

Jonathan Long is the founder of Market Domination Media, a performance-based online marketing agency, blerrp, an influencer marketing agency, consumer brand Sexy Smile Kit, and law firm directory LAWYE.RS.