One of the closest northern leaders to Buhari, advises PMB to go home and rest by 2019

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One of the closest northern leaders to Buhari, advises PMB to go home and rest by 2019

Nigeria Second Republic lawmaker, Dr. Junaid Mohammed, has pleaded with President Muhammadu Buhari to take a dignified exit from governance and return home to take care of his troubling health and save Nigeria from further woes arising from his inability to hold the country together.

He said herdsmen and farmers attacks across the country under Buhari’s leadership could escalate in the years ahead if Buhari continues as president of the country beyond 2019.

Junaid Mohammed, who claims to be one of the closest northern leaders to Buhari, accused the president of losing focus of giving Nigerians a purposeful leadership as a result of paying priority attention to the interest and welfare of family members and friends than the wellbeing of Nigerians.