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Trump Commences ReElection Campaign For 2020 Election with ‘Keep America Great’ as his Campaign Slogan

Less than 2 years after Donald Trump promised to make America great, he seemed to declare mission accomplished on Saturday, revealing that his reelection slogan will be “Keep America Great!”

Trump first broached the slogan idea before he was even sworn in last year. But as he hailed his administration’s accomplishments on foreign and domestic policy at a rally here, he suggested he had already succeeded in delivering on his original slogan.

“We can’t say ‘Make America Great Again,’ because I already did that,” Trump said before thousands of supporters in an airplane hanger.

Trump came to this Pittsburgh suburb to rescue Rick Saccone, the Republican congressional candidate struggling in Tuesday’s special election here.

“The world is watching,” Trump said. “Get out on Tuesday and vote like crazy.”

But over the course of more than 75 minutes, Trump seemed more interested in talking about almost anything — and everything — else under the sun, delivering the kind of unfiltered stemwinder rarely given by a sitting United States president.

“What’s more fun than a Trump rally?” the president asked.

Trump announced his 2020 campaign last month, naming former digital adviser Brad Parscale as his campaign manager. The new slogan will replace “Make America Great Again,” Trump’s four-word 2016 slogan that has appeared on red baseball caps, on signs and in speeches for the past two years.