Africa’s export markets set to boom with seaport expansions

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Africa’s export markets set to boom with port expansions
December 6, 2017: So much opportunities available at African ports in line with the 2040 Vision for Africa’s transport sector

As international trade volumes increase at growth rates of 6-8% per year, expansion projects in Africa follow suit and gain momentum.

Trade facilitation and port reform aim to propel Africa’s export markets to compete on a global stage.

The establishment of modern and efficient seaports has climbed to the top of Africa’s transport agenda to enable port connectivity and increase cargo throughput so much so that port and corridor expansion is not only creating new business opportunities for port city development across the sub-Saharan region but now also opening up new access to hinterland areas and strategic trade corridors.

Against this backdrop, the 6th annual African Ports Evolution Forum held in October 2017 united ports authorities, terminal operators, investors and government from more than 29 countries to boost intra-African trade, reduce port congestion, increase port connectivity and throughput and identify new business opportunities to boost expansion and modernisation.

Port expansion and upgrade projects currently underway across Africa are valued in the billions. The value of ports projects underway in Tanzania currently total US $13.6 and Mozambique has already witnessed investments of US $8.3 billion towards ports upgrade and expansion in 2017 alone.

Mozambique’s Maputo port about to open rail line direct to ships, to boost speed, transport capacity to South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe. Two-train system a big advantage over its rival: truck-congested Durban, SA port.

African Ports Evolution Forum explored the myriad opportunities that are available for the generation of new revenue streams at African ports through concessions, systems upgrades, expansion projects and more, unlocking qualified channels for ports’ respective development pipelines in line with the 2040 Vision for Africa’s transport sector.

The 2040 Vision for Africa’s transport sector is an integrated African continent where transport infrastructure and services enable the free movement of goods and passengers by providing efficient, safe, secure, reliable and seamless transport options.