Army General that led defacto coup against Mugabe sworn in as VP

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General who led Mugabe ouster sworn in as Zimbabwe veep

Chiwenga, whose appearance on state television on Nov. 15 preceded armed soldiers taking to the streets, paving the way for Emmerson Mnangagwa to become president, is the latest in a string of military leaders to be elevated to government positions.

The ceremony took place at the presidential state house in Harare. The oath of was administered by the Chief Justice in the presence of Mnangagwa and other top government functionaries.

View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterFirst to take the oath of office before Chief Justice Luke Malaba is General Constantino Chiwenga (Rtd).

Chiwenga’s elevation has been widely viewed as a token of appreciation after he played a key role in facilitating Mnangagwa’s ascendancy to power through the military’s Operation Restore Legacy which drove away “criminals” who had captured and surrounded Mugabe.

Mnangagwa is under pressure from opposition parties and the public to implement political reforms.
