“Buhari intentionally ignored federal character in security chiefs’ appointments; NASS failed to check Buhari excesses in concentration of National security leadership in few ethnic hands” —Obasanjo

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“Buhari intentionally ignored federal character in security chiefs’ appointments; NASS failed to check Buhari excesses in concentration of National security leadership in few ethnic hands” —Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has berated the National Assembly and the Federal Character Commission for failing to check the excesses of President Muhammadu Buhari in the uneven distribution of public offices under his government.

The former President Obasanjo said the ethos of nation building through even distribution of public offices had been abused under Buhari.

He said, “Nation building must be given continued attention to give every citizen a feeling of belonging and a stake in his or her country.”

“For instance, the Federal Character principle, as espoused in our constitution, was to guide the leadership to search for competent holders of major offices to be distributed within the entire nation, and avoid concentration in a few ethnic hands or geographical places, as we currently have in the leadership of our security apparatus”.

“To avoid such non-integrative situation, we have the National Assembly and the Federal Character Commission, both institutions which must raise the alarm or call for correction of actions by the executive that violates the spirit of our constitution.”