Ethiopia backs A.U. stance on Jerusalem, says no plans to relocate embassy

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Ethiopia backs A.U. stance on Jerusalem, says no plans to relocate embassy

At a press conference late last week, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Meles Alem told reporters that Trump’s move applied to the U.S. alone. ‘We, as part of the African Union, endorse the two-state solution,’ he added.

Last Wednesday, December 6, 2017; Trump officially announced that the U.S. formally recognised the contested city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and that plans were afoot for their embassy be moved.

The Chairperson of the Commission reiterates the solidarity of the African Union with the Palestinian people and its support to their legitimate quest for an independent and sovereign State with East Jerusalem as its capital.

World leaders have since slammed the move calling it a setback for peace efforts between Israel and Palestine and a security risk to the larger Middle East region. The European Union, the United Nations and African Union have all expressed worry over Trump’s move.

The move has provoked series of anti-American protests across the Muslim world. Deadly clashes have erupted between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza. Somalia, Djibouti, Egypt and other African countries have expressed their condemnation.

Ethiopia is a known ally of both the United States and Israel. Their relation with the U.S. borders on anti-terrorism and diplomacy. The same is the situation with Israel in addition to cultural and traditional ties extending decades back.

Credit: AfricaNews