Eto’o denies money donation or plane tickets for migrants

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November 28, 2017: People on social media are sharing photos appearing to show migrants returning home from Libya after being released from slavery.

However, the top image dates back at least a year and shows migrants leaving Libya for Burkina Faso:

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Just learning Samuel Eto’o has offered $3000 to every Cameroonian migrant out of Libya. He was ready to rent a plane to pick them up. The government has done so, the footballer then opted for cash allowing them to settle back home. Nice gesture ??????

Football star Samuel Eto’o has denied claims that he personally donated money or purchased plane tickets for Cameroonian migrants so they could return home.

In a post on his Facebook page, he said “this rumour is completely baseless”.

He urged his followers to act to prevent the terrible plight of migrants rather than react to it, adding that “among the victims will be people who we’ve lived alongside at some point”.