FASHOLA signs on behalf of FG N2trillion contract for 3050mw Mambilla hydropower project

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Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing, during the former’s state visit in 2016.

Story highlights

* Mambila hydropower project will be the largest power plant in Nigeria
* Project has been in development for over 30 years
* 100,000 people will be displaced

The government of Nigeria has signed the contract to build what will be the largest power plant in the country.

The 3,050-megawatt Mambila hydroelectric power project in the state of Taraba will be delivered by a consortium of Chinese state-owned construction firms.

The Federal government has signed the contract for the 3,050MW Mambilla hydropower project valued at $5.792 billion (about N2.096 trillion) in Taraba State.

The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola while signing the contract agreement for the joint venture with three Chinese firms on Friday said it marked a new dawn for Nigeria’s power sector.

Fashola lauded President Muhammadu Buhari for executing the project which has been on the drawing board for about 40 years.

He said, “The project is a new dawn for Nigeria’s power diversity and energy mix. This project will give us the opportunity for energy security, it will give the opportunity to comply with our Paris Climate Change Agreement because it will be delivering renewable energy.”

The $5.79bn project is expected to be completed in 6 years. The funding consist of $4.92bn from the Chinese Exim Bank and other Chinese lenders are expected to provide 85 percent of the contract sum amounting to $4.92 billion, the Federal Government will put forward 15 percent amounting to $868.87 million.

The scope of work for the project includes, four large dams (Nya, Sumsum, Nghu and Api Weir), and two underground power house of 12 units of 250mw each.

The other project components include two units of 330KV of 700km transmission lines to Makurdi and Jalingo, 120km of access roads connecting the project site and nearby communities and the resettlement of an estimated 100,000 impacted persons.

While Fashola signed the contracts agreement on behalf of the Federal Government, the representatives of the Chinese firms who signed for their organisations include Yong Jun for China Gezhouba Corporation, Gan Yongskiv for Sinohydro Corporation Ltd and Ye Shijing for CGOC Group Ltd.

The Federal executive Council (FEC), had on August 30, 2017 approved the award of the turnkey contracts of the project to Messrs China Gezhouba Corporation, Sinohydro Corporation Ltd and CGOC Group Ltd worth $5.792 trillion.

The megaproject will feature four dams between 50 and 150 meters tall, and take six years to complete, the Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, told reporters in Abuja.