Finally, Buhari speaks on video of Nigerians being sold as slaves in Libya

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Finally, Buhari speaks on video of Nigerians being sold as slaves in Libya

November 29, 2017: Weeks after CNN started airing videos of many Africans including Nigerians being sold as slaves in Libya, President Muhammadu Buhari finally spoke on the incident.

According to a statement by the presidency, Mr. Buhari condemned the act in Cote d’ Ivoire on Tuesday night

In the presidency statement on Wednesday, Mr. Buhari also pledged to ensure that all Nigerians stranded in Libya be brought home.

Read the press release statement below.

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday night in Abidjan declared that all Nigerians stranded in Libya and other parts of the world will be brought home and rehabilitated.

The president while speaking when he addressed Nigerians in the Diaspora, also vowed to reduce the number of Nigerians heading for Europe illegally through the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea by providing basic social amenities such as education, healthcare, and food security at home.

In an interactive session with members of the Nigerian Community in Cote D’ Ivoire, on the margins of the 5th AU-EU Summit, President Buhari said all necessary steps will be taken to stem the tide of illegal migration by Nigerians.

He, however, noted that it is very difficult to know the origin of the people who died, while attempting the perilous journey across the Mediterranean, because of lack of documentation.

“When it was announced that 26 Nigerians died recently in the Mediterranean, before they proved that they were all Nigerians they buried them.

“But the evidence I have from the Senior Special Assistant on Diaspora and Foreign Affairs, (Mrs. Abike Dabiri-Erewa) is that only 3 of them were identified as Nigerians.

But I’ll not be surprised if the majority of them were Nigerians.

“For people to cross the Sahara desert and Mediterranean through shanty boats… we will try and keep them at home. But anybody who died in the desert and Mediterranean without documents; to prove that he is a Nigerian, there is absolutely nothing we can do,” he said.

Reacting to a recent footage on the sale of Africans in Libya, President Buhari said it was appalling that “some Nigerians (in the footage) where being sold like goats for few dollars in Libya.”

“After 43 years of Gadhafi, why are they recruiting so many people from the Sahel including Nigerians? All they learned was how to shoot and kill. They didn’t learn to be electricians, plumbers or any other trade,” he said.