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Delivery of 450MW Azura-Edo IPP, a proof of Edo’s BizEase – Osinbajo

..Commeds Edo Govt for executing Azura power project

The Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, has attributed the impressive delivery of the Edo-Azura 450mw Independent Power Project (IPP) as a testimony of Edo Government’s posture in creating an enabling environment for private businesses.

Osinbajo made the commendation after inspecting facilities at the site of the power plant in Benin on Friday.

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has commended Edo Government for initiating Azura power project to generate electricity and boost the economy.

Osinbajo made the commendation after inspecting facilities at the site of the power plant in Benin on Friday.

The vice president, who is on a two-day official visit to the state, says the 450 megawatts Azura power plant will increase power generation in the country.

He expressed satisfaction with the level of work done at the site, saying it would boost the capability of Nigeria’s engineering enterprise.

The Azura Project Contractor, Mr David Oladipo, led the the vice president and other state government officials to assess the level of work at the site.

Azura Power is a developer, financier, acquirer and operator of Independent Power Plants (IPPs) across Africa.