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BUHARI’S ACHILLES by Deinde Olayiwola

Everyday comes with sunrise and sunset.

It can only spark curiosity, for one to be willing and ready to spend any amount in the pursuit of HONOUR on one hand.

While same is laid bare on a GOLDEN platter for someone else, just for the taking.

Aside curiosity, envy and a combination of negative thoughts is also developed against one who honour willfully beckons on, while some folks attempt to use resources, which the source is subjective to acquire same.

Every good news about the person drives the envious into a state of having a whirlwind within their head(s). This feeling could be pinned around some pictures trending where a particular eyeballs get fixed on a particular person, in about half an dozen shots taken at different locations, dates and events.

Everyone desires to develop the trait that makes people offer what others strive to have. A wishful thought it sometimes remain, so far people never try to pay the price that bequeaths honour on them, a heavy price that is attainable at a discount of moral restraint.

Our dear president rode to power, at a critical time, when NIGERIA was in dire need of one who has what it takes to cleanse a huge mountain of filth the successive government continuously dump at our individual and collective doorsteps. It got precarious that all hope seemed lost for a rebirth.

A personal trait our dear president is endowed with, overshadowed other prerequisites, this has pitched his backers against one another. While a lot is nursing the hope of actualisation of set objective, some of his initial backers have since thrown in the towel citing reasons like:
# endless wait where prompt response is required,
# perceived lopsided appointments, a critical sector this is being talked about is defence and security.
# overbearing tolerance of subordinates.
# refusal to effect a firm grip, resulting in poor delivery of governance.
# a media team who live in an illusion of doing wonders, but with a reverse gear.
It is not only former backers, several other stakeholders in the national project have also lamented about the turn of events.

It is gets to a crescendo where BUHARI whose profile towers so high, to be placed on a common scale with people whose character has been constantly questioned. This is someone who have warmed his ways into the hearts of people, especially in the northern region, over the years, where the people have constantly stood by him, going by the electoral figures of the three previous presidential elections.

As we journey towards another electioneering process. The elites who have constantly been having a running battle with BUHARI are once again up in arms to square it up to him in the build up to the 2019 election.

They have had his ACHILLES to capitalize upon. How well BUHARI and his kitchen cabinet get a full grasp of the situation remains sketchy, to me.

BUHARI’S profile can not afford to take a downward trajectory, not at this critical time, that he is yet to actualise his RESCUE mission on the state of national affairs.
The low level of things has it’s foundation rooted in the listed :

# a wait not worthy enough, the long period endured by the citizens is touted not be so justified going by the poor performance of some of the headship of critical sectors of the state affairs.

# appointment into sensitive security and defence sector is one view as being skewed towards a section of the nation, one in which sterling performance ought to have been used to shut up any form of cynicism, it has been sad that the president has been to tolerant of the headship of the security agencies, bringing up the issue of the parameter deployed in setting their targets as well as basis of assessment of their performance.

# just as for the security agencies, many people in government are viewed as having no business loitering the corridors of power, whereas they don’t just fill up numbers they are over-confident in their lack luster conduct, which embarrasses the government and her arrow head. The people can never base poor performance of heads of sectors in government to draw up a conclusion about those likely to be shown the exit door.

# we are actually having a democratic dispensation, where rights and privileges of even ordinary citizen should be upheld, this should never be seen as liberty to perpetrate and perpetuate acts likely to derail the tenets of governance. The government should never be tyrannical, yet there should be deliberate and calculated efforts at ensuring sanity. Situations of having to utter provocative statements capable of heating up the polity should be discouraged, whereby it can not be justified with verifiable facts, going public, making inflammatory statements should be addressed with tact. This is no call for a clampdown on the opposition!

# the war on graft is perceived as loosing the much needed bite, though we have had some landmark convictions a whole lot more is expected from the government, this very important, considering the sectional and selective insinuation.

An appraisal of the direction of the earlier listed weight hanging around the president’s neck, are easily traceable to the very surround of his.

There is urgent need to critically conduct a surgery on the assertion with a view towards having a great inroad as we approach the next election of 2019.
The president, going by some of his policies in recent times, is blessed with strategists, this is evident in some moves like the MKO ABIOLA’S honour, it was one that is far reaching.
A disturbing trend of having the president’s men turning out to be his ACHILLES needs to be looked into: from his media handlers, to his kitchen cabinet and his kinsmen who are seen to be hiding under the cover of the presidency to act with impunity.

The onus lies with the president to among other things : do the needful, as the ball lies within his court.

Layi Deinde 2018