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A girl you sleep with & give money is a prostitute, not girlfriend but girl customer – Reno Omokri

Reno tweeted;

Dear men, A girlfriend that you sleep with and financially maintain is nothing more than a prostitute on retainer. In fact, the proper word for such a girl is not girlfriend. It is girl customer.

The more your wife prays, the more your life pays. The more your wife slays, the more your life strays. Don’t underestimate the power of a praying wife. Only your parents prayer is more potent than your wife’s prayer

Read more of his nuggets below:

Do not follow your feelings. Let your feelings follow you. Do not act how you feel. Act how you want to feel and the feeling will come. When you get up in the morning, don’t wait to see what you mood will be. Tell yourself what mood you want and act it out #RenosNuggets

Words can be beautiful and it is easy to be swayed by beautiful words, but before you do, remember that beautiful words are not always true and true words are not always beautiful. Many people are miserable in their marriage because they did not know this fact #RenosNuggets