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VIDEO: Mugabe condemns his successor over ‘illegal’ power grab via coup d’etat

“We must undo this disgrace.” – Mugabe

Zimbabwe’s ousted former leader Robert Mugabe gives his first interview since he was removed from power in November.

In an interview with The Times, the deposed leader says he still has a role

Zimbabwe former ruler Robert Mugabe seemed mentally sharp but needed some prompts from his wife, Grace, while talking to journalists.

He said Emmerson Mnangagwa gained control illegally

Robert Mugabe has denounced the man who toppled him as an “illegal” president who betrayed Zimbabwe, as he seeks a return from internal exile.

Mr Mugabe said he had no doubt that his 37-year regime had been ended by a coup, which brought Emmerson Mnangagwa to office, but added that he had been forced to accept it to avoid widespread bloodshed.

#Mugabe on Coup : I’m willing to discuss with Mnangagwa on how to correct this illegality (military coup) but I must be properly invited

=>I don’t hate Emmerson, I brought him into govt
=>We must undo this disgrace, Zim doesn’t deserve this. We must return to constitutionality

#Mugabe I don’t believe i should be president anymore, but the person who must come after me must be properly elected, that is all

=>My removal was forced, I had to resign because I feared for the safety of the people of #Zimbabwe

=>Mnangagwa is an imposition of the army

#Mugabe – I never thought Mnangagwa would betray me, he has always been on my side & I saved his life in prison. It was a coup because without the army Mnangagwa would not have come to power. The army neutralised others arms of state (cio & police)

Robert Mugabe, speaking for the first time since November coup, today held a series of interviews with foreign journalists. SABC got the TV interview, while the Times of London and SA Sunday Times got the newspaper interviews

Former #Zimbabwe President Robert #Mugabe told @itvnews that #gracemugabe could not have become president because she was not a #zanuPF party member.