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Why I replaced my old Nokia phones with latest iPhones? – Femi Otedola

Femi Otedola reveals why he replaced his old Nokia phones for iPhones

Nigerian billionaire oil mogul, Femi Otedola has replaced his old Nokia phones for the latest iPhones.

Where you would expect such a rich man to own and use this kind of phone, he happens to own two old Nokia phones instead (we say old because Nokia has since upgraded to making lots of smartphones).

A picture was recently shared by one of his daughters on snapchat, with the caption ‘Old Skool’.

Last year, the billionaire was spotted with an iphone and many wondered why the sudden change of heart.

Otedola shared a photo of himself with the old phones via his official Instagram page recently, and finally confirmed the reason behind this move in a motivational post today. See below.

According to him, If you can’t beat them, you join them.

He shared the picture above and wrote in the caption;

#MondayMotivation  … F.Ote

His net worth according to Forbes is $550million.