Osinbajo advises Libya Returnees to forget past experiences & face future

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Osinbajo advises Libya Returnees to forget past experiences & face future

December 4, 2017: The wife of the Vice President, Dolapo Osinbajo, has advised victims of human trafficking to forget their past experiences and face their future for a better life.

Osinbahjo gave the advice when she visited the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons camp in Lagos at the weekend.

She urged the victims to try as much as possible to forget their ugly experiences, suffering and pains in the hand of criminals who lured them with false promises of a better lives.

She said: “It is very important for me to come  and visit you people. I have not come just to see your face but I come to tell you that you are special people and no mother will sleep when her children has not slept. Even mothers eat last when their children have eaten. I also come as a mother so we can discuss as a family. Although,  you came from different places, but we are still one people and I want know more about you.

“I want to know what you want to do so that you will face the future and have a better life in yourself and the country. If you want to learn skills or go to school, we will assist you and support whatever you decide on you wish to do for yourselves. You are beautiful princesses and if you have a better thing doing for yourself, you will get a good man who you will marry you and you will have a family.”

The Vice President’s wife who rendered song she composed for the victims, as a way of encouraging them, said princesses don’t fight or steal or quarrel with people.

Osinbajo promised to support them in whatever trade they choose to go into and sponsor the ones who want to further their educations.

She further advised the ladies to have confidence and believe in themselves.