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Put Nigeria first, Buhari tasks accountants

…urges more commitment to anti-graft war

Emma Ujah, Abuja Bureau Chief

President Muhammadu Buhari, Tuesday, urged accountants in the country to put Nigeria first and uphold strict ethical conducts in the discharge of their duties.

President Buhari

In a message to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) Annual Conference in Abuja, he urged them to become more committed to the on-going was against corruption.

President Buhari, in the message read by the Accountant-General of the Federation (AGF), Alh. Ahmed Idris, said, “Accounting and auditing play key roles public finance management through the provision of reliable financial positions of businesses in both public and private sectors.

“I urge you to consider the need to review your curriculum to include the impact of cyber crime and security.

“Let me appreciate your efforts in supporting anti-corruption campaign of this administration through the establishment of the whistleblower support fund and accountant disciplinary tribunal.

“As accountants I urge you to put Nigeria first in all your professional endeavours in a way that negates tendencies towards corruption in order to put Nigeria first, we must entrench a system that would motivate and encourage our teeming youths to focus on innovation as key to achieving long lasting competitive edge.

“Nigeria of our dreams is one that must prepare itself for global competition not only in recruitment space but also in the delivery of goods and services to the citizens in line with the SDG.”

The president said that all Nigerians must work together to build a Nigeria that would witness a sustainable economic growth and that his administration remained committed to creating the enabling environment.

“The process of making this is a collective responsibility, Nigerians must work together and all hands must be on deck for our nation to be on the path of sustainable economic growth and development.

“Our journey towards a united and prosperous nation envisages a strong patriotic, competent and highly productive manpower. Government remains committed to tackling unemployment, improving productivity and ease of doing business.

“We remain resolute to deliver good governance to Nigerians, transparency and accountability remain key elements in the general conduct of government businesses hence this administration is fully committed to timely implementation of accrual based international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS) with a view to deepen public financial management reforms

“I enjoin delegates to strengthen and deepen collaboration with government at all levels and to proffer viable solutions to the numerous challenges facing our economy and for our growth and development. Government on its part, will give full consideration to your expertise in the seamless and successful implementation of its public management policies,” he added.

In his address, the ICAN President, Alh. Isma’ila Zakari, said that chartered accountants “should be ready to lead the way- combining our talents with strategy to bring together like minded stakeholders to brain storm and formulate practical solutions to our nation’s problems.”

He announced the launch of ICAN accountability index, a mechanism for assessing public finance management and public governance practices of Nigerian public sector institutions including the federal, state and local governments.

He urged participants to frankly discuss the challenges of the future of their work and Nigeria’s unemployment problem.

According to him, “We are sitting on powerful and deadly time bomb in terms of unemployment . Our council is of the firm belief that with regards to unemployment the government cannot do it alone and we all have to put all hands on deck to save the future of our teeming youths in parts of our country.”

Alh. Zakari added, “In our continuing efforts to sharpen our professional ethics and contribute to nation building, ICAN has recently adopted the revised global ethical code on non-compliance with laws and regulations (NOCLAR).

“This code is a whistleblowing initiative which mandates accountants and auditors to expose any act of non compliance to laws and regulations by their employers and clients to relevant authorities. The code guides professional accountants and auditors on actions to be taken in the public interest when they become aware of potential illegal acts committed by their employers and clients.”

Keys issues to be discussed at the conference included: Integrated Reporting, Cyber Security, and Islamic finance.