Stranded illegal migrants in Libya return to Nigeria

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Reacting to recent CNN footage on the sale of Africans in Libya, the Nigerian leader said it was appalling that “some Nigerians (in the footage) were being sold like goats for a few dollars in Libya.”
Illegal immigrants at a Libyan detention center in June 17

There were poignant scenes in the former Nigerian capital on Tuesday as the men and women touched down at Lagos Murtala Muhammad airport. One man, visibly moved, knelt down on the tarmac and made the sign of the cross as he got off the plane.
Nikki Laoye, an ambassador for NCFRMI, who filmed the arrivals and posted them on her Instagram page, told CNN: “It was quite emotional seeing this. We heard about their ordeal in the desert, some of them were praying to die. No water to drink, thrown into jail and finally given the option to go back to their country.”
“Many of them had traveled illegally through the desert trying to reach Italy via Libya before finding themselves in tight situations, thrown into jail for illegal entry or falling into the hands of wrong people and being sold into slavery and prostitution.”
Laoye said the new arrivals would be profiled and registered by the Nigerian authorities. Some of them were taken to a shelter run by the NCFRMI in Lagos, where they can remain for up to 90 days.
She added that officials from Edo State, where a large number of the migrants came from, were also at the airport to take them back to the state.