Weinstein sex scandal: Police begins investigation on the Hollywood mogul

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Harvey Weinstein: accused by more women of sexual assault                                                                                 Harvey Weinstein: accused by more women of sexual assault
Nov 5, 2017:  Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein have every reason to worry as the New York City Police Department reportedly has opened sexual assault cases against him.

Both Beverly Hills and London police confirmed they were investigating complaints against the film mogul as well.

Reports say actress Lucia Evans, who revealed her experience with Weinstein is one of the alleged victims named in one of the New York cases.

The other woman’s name was not revealed.

Evans had told The New Yorker that Weinstein exposed himself to her during a meeting in 2004 and forced her to perform a sexual act on him.

“I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’ Evans told The New Yorker.

“I tried to get away, but maybe I didn’t try hard enough. I didn’t want to kick him or fight him.”

“Neither case is subject to the statute of limitations,” the source told ABC News.

A source told ABC News that detectives travelled to Montreal to speak to a witness and were considering going to Los Angeles to talk to others.

Beverly Hills Police acknowledged on Tuesday that they were investigating complaints against the disgraced film mogul.

The department said they were also investigating complaints against writer-director James Toback, who has been accused of sexual harassment by dozens of women.

Toback has said he does not remember meeting the women and Weinstein has denied any non-consensual sexual contact.

Overseas, Weinstein was also being investigated in the United Kingdom.

It was gathered that London’s Metropolitan Police was now investigating allegations against Weinstein by seven women over incidents that reportedly took place from the 1980s to 2015.

In a statement, police said they received the first allegation on Oct. 11, claiming “a man sexually assaulted a woman in the late 1980s in west London.”

Since then, police have received more claims about the same man alleging sexual assault in London.

Following the bombshell accusations, Weinstein has been fired from his own company he co-founded with his brother Bob and was booted from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.

Source: Fox News