{"id":3450,"date":"2017-11-23T22:26:39","date_gmt":"2017-11-24T05:26:39","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nigerianews.ca\/?p=3450"},"modified":"2017-11-23T22:28:30","modified_gmt":"2017-11-24T05:28:30","slug":"agf-malami-lied-mainas-recall-letters-hos-oyo-ita","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nigerianews.ca\/agf-malami-lied-mainas-recall-letters-hos-oyo-ita\/","title":{"rendered":"MainaGate: How AGF Malami\u00a0lied on\u00a0Maina\u2019s recall letters by HoS Oyo-Ita"},"content":{"rendered":"


November 23, 2017: The controversy over the recall of former head of Presidential Task Force on Pension Reform, Abdulrasheed Maina, into service rumbled on on Thursday.<\/p>\n<\/header>\n


At a hearing by the adhoc committee set up by the House of Representatives to probe the matter, the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Winifred Oyo-Ita, and the Chairman of the Federal Civil Service Commission, Joseph Akande, frontally controverted the account by the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, of his role in the matter.<\/p>\n

Official correspondences published by PREMIUM TIMES show that Mr. Malami initiated and authorised the recall.<\/p>\n

Yet, on Thursday, asked by the committee to give a direct answer as to whether the letter requesting Mr. Maina\u2019s reinstatement came from him, Mr. Malami claimed it did not.<\/p>\n

He said the last letter he \u201cremembered\u201d to have written on the issue was dated January 19, 2017 and was meant to bring attention to all that was happening to Mr Maina.<\/p>\n

He then claimed that Mr. Maina had not resumed when PREMIUM TIMES exposed his recall.<\/p>\n

Mr. Malami said: \u201cAs at 5th October, Maina\u2019s issue in my office was a work in progress and not yet concluded and that can be associated with previous dealings in February, April and October so the letter giving specific and clear directives couldn\u2019t have genuinely emanated from my office.\u201d<\/p>\n

I received letters from Attorney General \u2014 Oyo-Ita<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

However, the Head of Service, Mrs. Oyo-Ita, faulted the account of Mr. Malami as she stated that she received letters from the office of the Attorney General demanding the reinstatement of Mr. Maina.<\/p>\n

Mrs. Oyo-Ita said Mr. Malami\u2019s office wrote a series of letters to her office to press for the reinstatement.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

She said: \u201cMaina, from records available to us, was dismissed in the year 2013 from the Federal Civil Service for absconding from duty.<\/p>\n

\u201cFrom the beginning of this year, we started receiving series of letters written by the Attorney General and Minister for Justice, addressed to the chairman Federal Civil Service Commission and copied to the office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation.<\/p>\n

\u201cAs those letters came in, the Federal Civil Service Commission wrote to my office, directing us to request the Ministry of Interior to set up a Senior Staff Committee to review the directives from the Attorney General.<\/p>\n

She expressed surprise that Mr. Maina was finally reinstated without the assent of her office.<\/p>\n

\u201cWhen I got hold of that letter of reinstatement, I held on to the letter because I needed more clarification of that letter, so I was surprised to find out that without officially conveying the letter of his reinstatement or any letter of posting whatsoever, the said Mr Maina was absorbed into the Ministry of Interior which I learnt through the media.<\/p>\n

\u201cI want to place on record here that I still have the original letters here with me. My office will never convey such reinstatement letter to Mr. Maina, so there is no way he could have resumed work at the Ministry of Interior if he had not being officially notified of doing so by the office of the head of civil service commission.\u201d<\/p>\n

We received 3 letters from AGF before approving Maina\u2019s reinstatement \u2013 FCSC<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

The Chairman of the Federal Civil Service, Mr. Akande, also told the committee that the letter requesting the reinstatement of Mr. Maina emanated from the office of the AGF.<\/p>\n