NigeriaNews Archives | Nigeria News Sat, 06 Jan 2018 04:34:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NigeriaNews Archives | Nigeria News 32 32 How technology is combating climate change in African Agriculture Sat, 06 Jan 2018 00:59:00 +0000 How technology is combating climate change in African Agriculture #CLIMATECHANGE #FOODSECURITY Jan 5, 2018: In countries across the African continent, the impact of climate change on agriculture contributes to a 4% increase in urban populations every year. As the availability of fertile land shrinks, more people are forced to migrate to increasingly overcrowded cities. This […]

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How technology is combating climate change in African Agriculture
Jan 5, 2018: In countries across the African continent, the impact of climate change on agriculture contributes to a 4% increase in urban populations every year. As the availability of fertile land shrinks, more people are forced to migrate to increasingly overcrowded cities. This ballooning population puts even more stress on urban areas that lack basic infrastructure. The result is higher mortality rates, social and political instability, and a lower quality of life. Because more resources must be poured into cities, support for farming is slashed even further and with less farming comes less food. This is not a hypothetical problem: at the current rate of urbanization, the entire African continent will be in crisis by 2050.

Finding sustainable methods in food and rural agriculture is the single most important issue to the future of Africa. Addressing unprecedented challenges means developing creative solutions, supporting talented and dedicated people on the ground, and equipping them with technologies to re-generate and maintain arable land. Together with local farmers, the agritech sector is developing tools that can make a real difference in the everyday lives of millions of people, turning a possible crisis into a potential opportunity.

Solutions, from the Soil to the Sky

Smallholder farms provide nearly 80% of sub-Saharan Africa’s food supply, and there are an estimated 33 million smallholder farms on the continent. Therefore, to enable agricultural production to continue and indeed flourish, we need to think of solutions that support small farms and integrate them into the global system. International institutions like the Gates Foundation have devoted billions of dollars to encourage small farming by listening to farmers’ needs, increasing farm productivity, fostering sustainable practices, and achieving a greater impact with their partners. After all, no one knows better what needs to be done than the very people trying to feed their families and communities on a daily basis.

Technology has a crucial role to play in support of these efforts. One solution lies in making digital technology available to small farmers across Africa. Gates himself cited projects like M-Pesa, which helps establish microfinance and informal insurance networks that help people cope with unexpected financial losses like crop failures. A digital financial connection that is as simple as sending a text message on a mobile phone could open up an untold amount of resources and services to smallholder farmers.

Other groups like the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) have assembled a database that catalogues soil conditions around the world, which farmers can use as a reference to decide which crops have the best chance for survival in their area. Companies like Precision Weather Solutions use technology to monitor weather conditions in real time, allowing farmers to plan ahead based on the most accurate meteorological data available. The more information small farmers have, the better they can plan for the coming season and the challenges ahead.

In the field, projects like NextgenCassava are working to ensure that staple crops survive in Africa. Although cassava is the main source of calories for 500 million people across the globe, very few people have done research on how to unlock its potential. Hydroponics Kenya has introduced cheap and sustainable farming methods all over East Africa that enable farmers to grow animal feed without using soil in seven days. Groups like these, which stress the importance of building a sustainable local supply chain, are crucial to making Africa not only food secure, but food independent as well.

Connecting the Global and the Local

Without the resources to acquire and implement them, these essential resources can’t get to actors on the ground. Meeting the challenges of climate change means creating an infrastructure that is efficient yet simple, and that integrates innovation while still remaining user friendly. That’s why organizations like Digital Green and Global Good are such important actors in the push for sustainability in Africa.

Digital Green is committed to providing smallholder farmers with the tools to lift themselves out of poverty by harnessing the power of technology as well as grassroots level partnerships. Beginning with programs in India, Digital Green has helped to create a technological infrastructure in Ethiopia using videos of farmers conducting training sessions in locals languages. This method has proven to be an effective tool in helping smallholder farmers adopt better methods, as they feel more engaged when speaking and listening to their peers. Importantly, 90% of the farmers working on the program are women, and their work with Digital Green has given them a sense of personal dignity along with material rewards.

Founded by Bill Gates and food scientist Nathan Myrvold, Global Good uses a ‘reverse innovation approach’ based on inventing affordable and accessible technologies to solve development crises. These inventions are then brought to market by commercial partners who use sustainable business models, ensuring that the inventions they use have a long term impact on the global system. In Africa, Global Good is working on an artificial insemination cold-chain system, which helps farmers cross-breed their herds for better productivity and disease resistance. They have also developed the Mazzi Can, a milk container that is inexpensive and easy to clean and as a result, improves both the quantity and the quality of milk that farmers bring to market.

These and many other projects are keeping local farming alive in Africa and show smallholder farmers that they can resist the effects of climate change and indeed thrive in the face of them. They are incredible examples of Ubuntu, a term often used by Nelson Mandela to describe the interconnectedness of people, and the importance of human kindness in all of our actions. ‘I am because you are’: a simple phrase, and one that means as much for climate change as it does for humanity. Climate change is a human problem and one with potentially devastating human consequences, many of which are already in danger of becoming a reality across Africa. But if we act collectively, and with all of the tools and technology at our disposal, each one of us becomes better as a result.

Source: Marco Gualtieri – Seeds&Chips – Founder & Chairman

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2019 Presidential Election: Female professor declares intention to contest Thu, 04 Jan 2018 05:32:17 +0000 Jan 4, 2018: A female Professor of Language and Communication Arts at the Rivers State University of Education, Olufumilayo Adesanya-Davis, is aspiring to be president of Nigeria come the 2019 elections. Speaking to journalists yesterday in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital on her aspiration, Adesanya-Davis said she had consulted widely before making her intention known. “I […]

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Jan 4, 2018: A female Professor of Language and Communication Arts at the Rivers State University of Education, Olufumilayo Adesanya-Davis, is aspiring to be president of Nigeria come the 2019 elections.

Speaking to journalists yesterday in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital on her aspiration, Adesanya-Davis said she had consulted widely before making her intention known.

“I am aspiring to be the next president of Nigeria. I am out to put laughter of joy on the mouth of all. I have discussed this with the former presidential candidate, Sarah Jubril, who incidentally is from Kwara State. Her reaction was that ‘if a miracle like this will ever happen, we have paid the price in Kwara State and it is going to happen in the state.’‘

She said the decision to make the nomination forms free for women aspirants had boosted her interest.

“2015 was when I first thought about being a presidential aspirant. This is for the main reason that I was born October 15th and I got married at October 15th. That time I said with President Goodluck Jonathan in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), I was going to be his running mate. I was sending text messages to him. I told him to let Vice President Namadi Sambo step down for him to be successful but he did not listen to me.

“But delay is not denial. That is why I am staging a come-back. I have done some consultations. The first person to put a call through was Patience Jonathan. I told her that I am picking the presidential form this time around and she endorsed my decision.

Nigeria: female professor to contest for presidency in 2019

Adesanya-Davis who is an evangelical pastor used the occasion to urge Nigerians to be patient with President Muhammadu Buhari, adding that the panacea to the current challenges in the country is in the hands of women.

“I will advise Nigerians to calm down for President Muhammadu Buhari. Also the man too is not sleeping. He is not resting. Age too is not on his side. We did all the mathematics and we saw it and opted for it. So that he had to travel for 100 days to take care of his health is not his fault. It is age and we said we believe in him.’‘

“Buhari’s governance had to take positive reminiscences to Goodluck Jonathan. An old man cannot combine minister for petroleum ministry with the presidency and it will work. We need them to work hard and get the technocrats to do their jobs again,” she said.

While declaring her ambitions as a presidential candidate, Adesanya-Davis added that she is yet to get a political party to endorse her candidature.

“However, we are still keeping the party under which place we will aspire under close wraps. Later on will be announcing that through the press. We don’t have a platform yet. We are just saying that officially, this is a presidential aspirant for 2019 and later we will take it to the next level.’‘

Reaction to the announcement on social media was mildly enthusiastic.

Female prof declares presidential ambition – Success Nwogu, Ilorin A professor of Language and Communication Arts at the Rivers State University of Education, Prof. Olufumilayo Adesanya-Davies, on Tuesday declared her intention to contest Nigeria’s pr… 

Very Bold Step…RIde On Ma.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽✌🏼. U Inspire Me!

Who is Prof. Olufumilayo Adesanya-Davis ?

Professor Mercy Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies is a Nigerian politician, educationist, author, linguist and Bishop of Agape Bible Church, Rivers State, Nigeria. A native of Ira Town, Kwara State, Adesanya-Davies is a recipient of the UN –POLAC World Peace Ambassadorial Award.

Olufunmilayo is a Professor of Divinity (Honoris Causa) of the Northwestern Christian University, Florida. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics and Communication Studies.

Adesanya-Davies officially joined politics as an ardent member of the ACCORD Party in Kwara State. She has remained there for years, until she joined PDP.

According to her, she has a good relationship with ex President Goodluck Jonathan. She is quoted as saying Goodluck Jonathan refused to dump his running mate Namadi Sambo in her stead, despite several several text messages to his number.


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NIGERIA top sporting moments in 2017 Sun, 31 Dec 2017 22:28:38 +0000 December 31, 2017:  The year 2017 may not have been an all-round fantastic year for Nigeria as far as sports is concerned; but nonetheless, there were some glowing moments that will linger for a long time. 1. Aruna Quadri achieves best ranking ever (Table Tennis) Nigeria and indeed Africa’s ambassador in table tennis, Aruna Quadri, […]

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December 31, 2017:  The year 2017 may not have been an all-round fantastic year for Nigeria as far as sports is concerned; but nonetheless, there were some glowing moments that will linger for a long time.

1. Aruna Quadri achieves best ranking ever (Table Tennis)

Nigeria and indeed Africa’s ambassador in table tennis, Aruna Quadri, had another epic year even though there were some low moments for the talented table tennis star.

In 2017, Quadri set a new personal record for Nigeria and himself as he was ranked 21 in the end-of-the-year ranking.

Before this latest leap, Quadri’s best rating was 25th in the world.

Having done this well in 2017, expectations are high that the Nigerian star would break into the world’s top 20 in 2018.

Among other records to his name, Quadri prides himself as the only African to make it to the quarterfinal of the World Cup and Olympic Games singles’ event.

Quadri is also the first African to win an ITTF title outside the continent having conquered all at the Polish Open earlier in the year.

2. D’Tigress Conquer Africa (Basketball)

The Nigeria Women’s National Basketball team, D’Tigress also made 2017 a memorable one for Nigerian sports following their conquest in Bamako, Mali.

Made up largely of fresh and ‘untested’ faces, Coach Sam Vincent put together one of the best teams Nigeria has ever had on the court.

Though it wasn’t the first time that Nigeria will be winning the women Afrobasket title, the way D’Tigeress did it in Mali kept most tongues wagging.

The ladies won all their games en-route to being crowned African champions.

3. Nigerian Bobsled Women Team qualifying for 2018 Winter Olympics

Nigeria’s participation at Winter Olympics before now could only be best imagined.

However, from the blues, the country’s flag will be hoisted at the 2018 edition following the heroics of three young ladies brave enough to walk the path never tried by anyone from their nation.

The trio of Seun Adigun and brakemen Ngozi Onwumere and Akuoma Omeoga, however, took off the sports of bobsleigh also known as bobsled and began the journey towards making history as the first Nigerians to compete at the Winter Olympics.

Their dreams became a reality as the trio qualified for the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang after completing races in Utah, Whistler and Calgary during the qualifiers.

This feat brought them mentions in some of the biggest media platforms around the world and landed them an appearance on prime U.S. Talk Show, The Ellen Show.

4. Odunayo Adekuoroye wins Nigeria’s first ever silver medal at World Championship (Wrestling)

With the right funding and encouragement, there is no gainsaying that Odunayo Adekuoroye can have the world at her feet as far as wrestling is concerned.

The Ondo State-born wrestler in 2017 emerged as the first woman from Nigeria to qualify for a final match at the Senior World Wrestling Championships held in Paris. She eventually settled for the silver medal.

Adekuoroye is ranked No. 1 in Africa in her category and won gold in the 2014 Commonwealth Games and bronze at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships in the U.S.

5. Plateau United emerges champions of Nigeria League (Football)

Another big moment on the domestic scene of Nigerian sports in 2017 was when Plateau United FC of Jos won the 2016/2017 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL).

It was their first-ever win, after amassing 66 points from 38 matches.

Few days back, the Plateau State Governor Simon Lalong rewarded Plateau United players with N1.5 million each for their historic feat which will see them represent Nigeria in the CAF Champions League alongside another surprise package, MFM FC of Lagos.

6. Nigeria shines at World Para Powerlifting Championship

The place of physically-challenged athletes in Nigerian sports is noble to say the least as they often than not outshine the able bodies.

At the year ending World Championship in Mexico, the country’s powerlifters did not disappoint as they smashed world records after world records.

Nigeria won a total number of nine medals consisting of four gold medals – Folashade Alice Oluwafemiayo (86kg), Paul Kehinde (65kg), Roland Ezuruike (54kg) and Lucy Ejike (61kg); three Silver – Omolayo Bose (+79kg), Olaitan Ibrahim (67kg) and Loveline Obiji (86kg); as well as two bronze medals from Yakubu Adesokan (49kg) and Ndidi Nwosu (73kg).

They finished second on the overall medals table.

7. Super Eagles pick World Cup ticket (Football)

The Super Eagles had an impressive 2017 and the high point for them will be qualifying for the Russia 2018 World Cup in style.

Touted to be placed in the ‘Group of Death’ that had Africa’s power houses, Cameroon and Algeria, as well as former champions of the continent, Zambia, many had lost hope on Nigeria making it to Russia.

However, from the opening game away to Zambia in Ndola, the Super Eagles showed they meant business and game after game they soldiered on until the World Cup ticket, the sixth for the country, was achieved.

Beating Argentina 4-2 in a high profile friendly perhaps was the icing on the cake for the Super Eagles in 2017.

Some other notable mentions include the Nigeria men’s basketball team, D’Tigers, finishing second in the 2017 Afrobasket in Tunisia and Victor Moses wining the EPL title with Chelsea.

This was first published as part of PREMIUM TIMES’ End of the Year review: The seven top sporting moments for Nigeria in 2017 are in no particular order.

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AKETI presents 2018 N171B budget Sat, 23 Dec 2017 04:49:30 +0000                    ODSG earmarked N81.521 bn for recurrent expenditure and N68.096bn for capital expenditure. December 23,2017:  Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State on Thursday December 22, 2017 presented a budget proposal of  N171 billion  for the 2018 fiscal year to the state House of Assembly. Government  earmarked N81.521 […]

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                   ODSG earmarked N81.521 bn for recurrent expenditure and N68.096bn for capital expenditure.

December 23,2017:  Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State on Thursday December 22, 2017 presented a budget proposal of  N171 billion  for the 2018 fiscal year to the state House of Assembly.

Government  earmarked N81.521 billion for recurrent expenditure and N68.096 for capital expenditure.

The governor said the budget reflected the collective aspiration of the people of the state and  captured the essence of his administration’s blueprint.

He added that the document was christened “Budget of Progress” in order to achieve the programmes contained in his administration’s Strategic Development and Policy Implementation.

According to him, his administration will pursue activities targeted at encouraging productivity and creation of real opportunity for the people in the next fiscal year.

He said the sustained efforts would create wealth for the people.

The governor, therefore, asked the state Assembly to give the budget realistic scrutiny before approval.

He praised the legislative arm  for passing into law all the Public Financial Management bills  which had been pending before the House for six years.

His words: “The 2018 budget is designed to achieve stability, fiscal reprioritization and consolidation to create the base for sustainable growth and development.

“It is focused on reversing the growth of debt, unsustainable deficits and the burden of interest payments which is almost unsustainable.

The 2018 budget estimates will focus on rebuilding the state’s economy through prioritized investment on infrastructural facility and agriculture-related activities.”

The governor listed the objectives of the 2018 budget as  intensifying efforts on independent revenue initiatives, massive infrastructural development, wealth creation through empowerment of youths, artisans, farmers and market women; and enhancing the community development through improved collaboration with communities, among others.

On the revenue projection for the 2018, Akeredolu said his administration was mindful of the challenges posed by inadequate revenue to accomplish the budget’s objective, pointing out that he had commissioned some consultants to complement the existing efforts on revenue generation and collection.

His words: “The expected increase in the contribution of independent revenue to total revenue cannot be achieved in a day and as such would be gradual. Hence, revenue inflow from the Federation Account will still contribute the larger portion of the total collectible revenue for the state.”

The Speaker of the State House of Assembly, David Oleyelogun, described the budget as life-touching .

He promised the governor that the House would be given expeditious and necessary approval, adding that the House would support efforts aimed at implementing the budget for the benefit of the people of the state. – The Nation

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SHOCKING: No condom ad on TV from 6am – 10pm : Govt Thu, 21 Dec 2017 05:11:21 +0000  Dec 20, 2017: On Monday, December 18, 2017,  India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued an advisory to the country’s 857 television channels requiring them to immediately cease airing condom commercials between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The statement prohibits “advertisements of condoms which are for a particular age group and could be indecent/inappropriate for […]

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 Dec 20, 2017: On Monday, December 18, 2017,  India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued an advisory to the country’s 857 television channels requiring them to immediately cease airing condom commercials between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The statement prohibits “advertisements of condoms which are for a particular age group and could be indecent/inappropriate for viewing by children.”

On Tuesday, the second-most populous nation in the world woke to headlines like “Govt bans condom ads from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. because they are ‘indecent'” and “Ban on condom ads symptom of schizophrenia over sexuality, morality.”

But the general response is of alarm – not just about censorship and a chilling effect on creative advertising — but also about India’s exploding population. Data projections indicate that India, with an estimated population of 1.32 billion, is poised to have 1.7 billion citizens by 2050, overtaking China. Contraception — particularly condom usage — is falling, according to official figures from the latest National Family Health Survey, which covers the years 2015 and 2016.

“Most of the projected population growth will occur in the very poorest areas of India,” says Robert Walker, president of the Population Institute, an international nonprofit that promotes family planning. “Unless fertility rates fall faster than now projected in those areas, it will be difficult to make much progress in reducing severe poverty. The projected population growth will also put severe pressure on the environment and intensify concerns about water scarcity.”

The National Family Health Survey also indicates that condom use has dropped drastically, at least where population control is measured by the authorities. The government distributed 660 million condoms in the years 2008 and 2009; last year, fewer than half that number were distributed.


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Grace Mugabe: President’s typist that almost became President Wed, 22 Nov 2017 00:35:06 +0000 The spectacular rise and fall of Zimbabwe’s uncompromising First Lady, Grace Mugabe, had an unusual beginning: an office affair. It was the early 1990s when President Robert Mugabe’s eye fell upon one of his shy young typists. She would become his wife, a ferociously ambitious politician and, more than two decades later, a contributor to […]

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Grace Mugabe: the president's typist who nearly became Zimbabwe president

It was the early 1990s when President Robert Mugabe’s eye fell upon one of his shy young typists.

She would become his wife, a ferociously ambitious politician and, more than two decades later, a contributor to the downfall of her 93-year-old husband.

President Mugabe is trying to cling to power after the military took over this week in response to his purge of vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, 75, a liberation war fighter and Grace’s sworn enemy.

Mnangagwa’s aides even accused her of trying to poison him with ice cream from her dairy farm this year. She denies this.

Grace, now 52 and under house arrest in Harare, had been calling for Mnangagwa’s removal for weeks as the two fought an increasingly bitter winner-takes-all contest to succeed the man who has led Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980.

It wasn’t the first time Grace had wielded influence over her husband. When it appeared former vice president Joice Majuru was in line to succeed Mugabe in 2014, he fired her following public rallies at which Grace derided Majuru.

This time she appears to have gone too far.

The purge of Mnangagwa and many of his comrades irked the military, who had no intention of allowing Grace and her youthful Generation 40 (G40) faction of the ruling ZANU-PF to take over the political reins.

Deeply unpopular among much of the Zimbabwean public due to her alleged corruption and volatile temper, Grace does not have the liberation credentials the military believe are required to be a Zimbabwean ruler.

The lavish lifestyle that earned her the nickname “Gucci Grace” and the political ambition that almost propelled her to the presidency were not evident when she met her future husband.

“He just started talking to me, asking me about my life,” she told a South African journalist in 2013. “I didn’t know it was leading somewhere. I was quite a shy person, very shy.”

At the time, they were both married. President Mugabe’s wife, Sally, was desperately ill and died in 1992. Grace and Robert were married in 1996 and have three children.


At first Grace stayed out of politics and was better known for her spending habits, including buying mansions in South Africa, rare diamond jewellery, and Rolls-Royce limousines for her playboy sons.

Then there are the repeated allegations of violence.

In Singapore in 2009, photographer Richard Jones says Grace flew into a rage when he tried to take her picture. She ordered her bodyguards to hold his arms back while she punched him repeatedly in the face. Grace denies the assault.

In August this year, Grace was accused of beating a young South African model who was partying with her sons.

According to Gabriella Engels, Grace burst into a hotel room where she was talking with friends and whipped her with an electric cable as bodyguards looked on.

Grace says she acted in self-defence after Engels tried to stab her with a knife.

The reports of lavish spending and explosive temper earned her the title “Dis-Grace” back home in Zimbabwe, where an economic crisis had left most of the 16 million population mired in poverty and unemployment.

Zimbabweans also question Grace’s credentials. Eyebrows were raised in 2014 when she gained a PhD in three months. Her thesis, on the changing role of the family, has never been published.

This hasn’t stopped her trying to reach the political summit.

When Majuru was removed, Grace became head of the ZANU-PF Women’s League, giving her a seat at the party’s top table.

She used her political platform to take on Mnangagwa and his allies and made a push to succeed her frail husband.

“They say I want to be president. Why not? Am I not a Zimbabwean?” Grace said at a recent rally.


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