Little did Owura Kwadwo Hottish know that his exploits will attract the attention of no mean a group as Microsoft. The group\u2019s Africa office have promised to equip him with a device to teach his children.<\/p>\n
But how did Microsoft get to know about his ingenuity and enterprise? Thanks to social media platform Twitter. A tech entrepreneur Rebecca Enonchong earlier tweeted a photo of Owura Kwadwo drawing a word interface on a board for his kids.<\/p>\n
\n\n\n\u00a0<\/span>Rebecca Enonchong<\/span><\/span><\/a>\u2714<\/b><\/span><\/span>@africatechie<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
\n\u00a0This picture has been circulating on web. Does anyone know what country? This teacher is my hero. I want to find him. #<\/span>TeachingIsAVocation<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n