Buhari & Other World Leaders To Attend “OnePlanet” Summit in Paris

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One Planet Summit kicks off in Paris [The Morning Call]December 12, 2017: Less than a year since US president Donald Trump announced a withdrawal from the Paris climate deal, a group of 50 world leaders — ranging from Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to British Prime Minister Theresa May —gather in Paris this tuesday for an invitation-only climate change summit hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron. Mr Macron’s two-day climate change conference, called the

‘One Planet Summit’, is expected to focus on how to finance the global transition away from fossil fuels and measures needed to adapt to changes already underway caused by global warming. The Paris

Agreement includes a provision calling for developed countries to provide $100 billion annually in financing for climate initiatives beginning in 2020 — a number that remains far off, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
