Why Court denied Killer Wife bail again?

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Image result for maryam sanda and husband

December 17, 2017: Maryam Sanda allegedly killed her husband, Bilyamin, the son of a former PDP Chairman, Mohammed Bello.

DShe has been denied bail for a second time by the Federal High Court in Abuja because no cogent reason was brought forward by her defence counsel.  Maryam, who is the daughter of Maimuna Aliyu, a former Aso Saving Bank executive.

She was alleged to have stabbed her husband several times at his Maitama residence in Abuja a few weeks ago, based on allegations of infidelity.   However, giving his ruling on a second bail application on Thursday, Justice Halilu acknowledged a medical report presented by the defence counsel, Mr Joseph Daudu, to request for Maryam’s bail based on her health status.

He, however, said the defence counsel has not shown any exception as anticipated by law that the said ailment cannot be treated in a detention facility.  The judge also held that the fact that Maryam is a nursing mother was not a general principle for granting bail, hence her denial of it.

He, however, granted bail to the other defendants on the condition that they must provide two sureties each, who must reside within the city centre of Abuja.

The defendants are also expected to submit their travel documents to the court while the sureties must deposit proof of their landed properties in Abuja.  The case was subsequently adjourned till February 5, 6, and 7, 2018.