North Korea says new missile puts all of US in striking range

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North Korean missile test July 2017

November 29, 2017: North Korea says it has successfully tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the whole of the continental United States.

State television claimed that Pyongyang had now achieved its mission of becoming a nuclear state.

The Hwasong-15 missile, which it said was its “most powerful”, was launched in darkness early on Wednesday.

It landed in Japanese waters but flew higher than any other missile the North has previously tested.

State news agency KCNA said that the missile reached an altitude of 4,475km (2,780 miles) and flew 950km for 53 minutes.

It added that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who personally signed off on the launch, “declared with pride that now we have finally realised the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power”.

The KCNA report said that “as a responsible nuclear power and a peace-loving state”, North Korea would “make every possible effort to serve the noble purpose of defending peace and stability of the world”.

It said its weapons, meant as a defence against “the US imperialists’ nuclear blackmail policy”, would “not pose any threat to any country” as long as North Korean interests were not infringed upon. “This is our solemn declaration.”

Japanese officials said the projectile, fired at a steep incline, did not fly over Japan as some have done in the past, and landed about 250km short of its northern coast.