An Open Letter To Entrepreneur By Mayowa M Adeleye

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Oct. 28, 2017

Dear Entrepreneur,

Every entrepreneurs have their different stories to tell about risk they took that changed their careers. You are not alone!

This is inherent in what we do. Like the common say, no pain no gain! When we take a risk, we separate ourselves from the safe and steady path.

We shift more burdens onto our heads and shoulders. We hold on to the dream of becoming employers of labour and not employees of labour.

We make bet that with combination of skills, talents, hardwork and instincts, greater rewards are within reach.

In taking a risk to achieve a vision, we can change the rules and create lives of our own making.

Risks don’t always work out, of course, but that’s OK: They still always remind us of the vast possibilities awaiting us.

That’s why we at the multimedia platform of NigeriaNews.Ca decide to dedicate Entrepreneur page to create and inspire risk taking with creativity in different areas of human endeavours.

We want to encourage you, inspire you and guide the many ways that people can go their own way and be prepared for your next big leap.

I will end this letter using the words of Richard Branson on the importance of taking meaningful risks. According to the billionaire, it is important to ask yourself, ‘What can I do to make a real difference?’

Mayowa Michael Adeleye
Twitter: @mmadeleye1