GE signs $26m agreement with Mainstream to rehabilitate Kanji Hydro Turbine Generator unit

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© Energy FortressDecember 12, 2017: Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited has entered into an agreement with General Electric (GE) to inject fresh $26m (N8.3bn) investment into the Kainji Hydro Power Plant to rehabilitate its Hydro Turbine Generator unit.

The rehabilitation is expected to be completed in 24 months. Upon completion, Kanji dam will add 96 megawatts to the National Grid and raise Mainstream’s power generation capacity from both Kainji and Jebba Hydo Power plants to about 1, 000MW.   Recall, the two hydrodam power plants have a combined installed capacity of about 1, 330MW.

The Chairman, MESL, Col. Sani Bello (retd.), said his company (Mainstream Energy Solutions) was committed to the concession of Kainji and Jebba plants with a view to significantly improving electric power supply to Nigerians.

He said negotiations for the rehabilitation of the Jebba plant were ongoing, noting that the rehabilitation would further increase power output from Mainstream’s operations by another 96MW of electricity.

He called on the government to meet its own side of the agreement to enable the company achieve its set objectives.

The chairman said, “We can’t meet our own side of the bargain unless our partners in the concession also meet their own side of the agreement.

“So far, the agreement has been truncated but we have managed to survive and keep our heads above water. I hope that payments are substantially made as agreed. We have got a lot of outstanding invoices.”