High School in Texas threaten to punish students who join walkouts to demand tighter gun control

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High School in Texas threaten to punish students who join walkouts to demand tighter gun control

High School Students around the United States are walking out of class to demand tougher gun laws in response to last week’s deadly shooting in Parkland, Florida, but some schools are threatening them with harsh punishments.

The Needville Independent School District in Texas issued a warning Tuesday that any of its students who participated in a walkout or other political protest would be suspended for three days.

“Life is all about choices and every choice has a consequence whether it be positive or negative. We will discipline no matter if it is one, fifty, or five hundred students involved. All will be suspended for 3 days and parent notes will not alleviate the discipline,” Superintendent Curtis Rhodes said in a statement posted on the Needville High School Facebook page.

Rhodes said the Houston-area district would not tolerate any protests or demonstrations during school hours.

“A school is a place to learn and grow educationally, emotionally and morally. A disruption of the school will not be tolerated,” he said.

Survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have been active in the week since the shooting — holding rallies, being interviewed by national media and organizing a bus trip to the Florida State Capitol to meet with lawmakers.

Students at other schools in Florida and across the United States have held rallies to show support.