How Canada’s new immigration plan will impact Nigerians?

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5 ways Canada’s new immigrant plan will impact Nigerians

Nov 4, 2017; Canada is opening its doors even wider to take in a million new immigrants over the next three years as the country seeks to guarantee its future prosperity and here are five ways it will affect Nigerians.

Firstly, Africa is already the second ranked region ahead of Europe as source of recent immigrants according to Statistics Canada and Nigeria leads the pack in Africa as the top source in the continent.

Secondly, The number of immigrants to be taken next year will rise to 310,000 and continue to grow the next year to 3330,000 immigrants and will hit an all time high of 340,000 in 2020.

Thirdly, There is even a chance this figure will go higher as others in Canada say the country needs an annual flow of 450,000 immigrants to provide the labour force the country will require.

Fourthly, Canada has maintained a very welcoming attitude towards immigrants coming to the country and according to the last census, the population of the Canadian population born abroad had risen to a near historical high of 21.9 per cent as at 2016, for a total of 7,540,830.

Fifthly, the top source countries in Africa whose youths are heading to Canada are Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Cameroon and in Asia which is the lead region, the top countries are the Philippines, India, China, Iran, Pakistan, Syria and South Korea respectively.