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Wakanda Forever! Black Panther star artists rock Oscars red carpet

The Wakanda warriors from Black Panther including Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Kenyan Lupita Nyong’o and Zimbabwean – American actress Danai Gurira rocked the Ocars red carpet on Sunday night, true to the rallying battlecry of ‘Wakanda Forever’.

British actor of Ugandan origin, Daniel Kaluuya who stars in the Marvel film celebrated for its black cast and African superhero story, was nominated for best actor for his role in ‘Get Out’.

While Kaluuya lost out to Gary Oldman, the film ‘Get Out’ and its African American director did win ‘Best Original Screenplay’, the first time for an African American director.

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Black Panther has continued to rake in revenues, coming in at No. 1 at the U.S. box office for the third week in a row, crossing the $500 million mark domestically and taking the title of 10th highest-grossing domestic release of all time.

Worldwide, it’s sneaking up on another massive milestone, a $1 billion gross, with $897,705,037 and counting.

Many are hoping that the success of the movie with a black superhero will turn the tide in Hollywood and have more blacks cast in films, in addition to telling more African stories.
