If your old iPhone shows any of these 7 signs, seek new battery replacement

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 7 signs Apple may be slowing your old iPhone

When should you seek out Apple’s new $29 battery replacement? Here are some pretty good indicators.

DECEMBER 31, 2017: On Thursday, Apple apologized for failing to tell us the truth right away: The company had been secretly throttling the speed of older iPhones to keep them from unexpectedly shutting down. The fix? A newly inexpensive battery replacement — just $29 for any iPhone 6 or later, starting in January 2018. (It normally cost $79, but Apple’s making it cheaper as part of its apology.)
But how do you know when your iPhone’s being throttled? When is it truly worth taking a trip to your local Apple Store and handing over your precious device?

According to Apple, there are seven signs that a worn battery may be causing Apple’s software to slow down your device.   They are:

  • Longer app launch times — Force-close your apps. Do they take longer than normal to launch from scratch?
  • Lower frame rates while scrolling — Does your screen seem to stutter when you’re scrolling down webpages and through homescreens?
  • Backlight dimming — Does your phone’s screen no longer get as bright, even when you set it that way?
  • Lower speaker volume by up to -3dB — Do your speakers no longer get as loud?
  • Gradual frame rate reductions in some apps — Try this with intensive games, in particular.
  • During the most extreme cases, the camera flash will be disabled as visible in the camera UI — Can you not even use your phone’s camera flash anymore?
  • Apps refreshing in background may require reloading upon launch — Apps that normally pull in new data, even when you’re not using them…did they stop doing that all of a sudden?

However Apple says the following parts of your phone aren’t impacted by battery-related throttling at all:

  • Cellular call quality and networking throughput performance
  • Captured photo and video quality
  • GPS performance
  • Location accuracy
  • Sensors like gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer
  • Apple Pay

So if you see those things fail, you may have a different issue.
