Paradise Papers: Saraki denies links to offshore investments

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Nov 7, 2017: Senate President Bukola Saraki yesterday defended himself over the leaked Paradise Papers wherein he was alleged to have broken the law. The Paradise Papers is a set of 13.4 million confidential electronic documents relating to offshore investment, leaked to the public on Sunday.
Saraki in a statement by his Special Adviser (Media Publicity) noted that he had not done any wrong. “Once again, the issue of offshore company registration which was first raised in 2016 is being revived and thrown to the public space. As a responsible public officer, Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, will continue to explain his position. We know this is the period of politics when mudslinging is a common trick in the game.“However, we will like to make it known that Dr. Saraki violated no law and did nothing illegal in the course of registering the company under reference, Tenia Limited, and afterwards.

“The company from incorporation to date had never been used for any transaction. It held no asset. It had no bank account to the best of the knowledge of Dr. Saraki. Even if it did, the Senate President was not a signatory to such account. This is just a paper company and therefore could not have been used to hide any asset.”